[Pose] Magic Wind
"Wingardium... Wait ! Not my skirt !"
About the pose :
❀ Type of file : Pose / CMP
❀ Race & Gender : Au'ra (F)
❀ Comment : Equip your weapon on the left hand, use an emote using weapon (like /vpose), load the pose and... Tadaa ! Enjoy ♥
Terms of use :
✦ No reupload or claim as your own creation.
✦ You can port it on another race/gender
✦ Can be used as base, but credit is needed
✦ If used in a paid commission, it must go public
✦ No NSFW with underage looking character (including lalafell)
✦ If used for screenshots, I would be very happy to see it !
You can tag me on Twitter/Instagram : @VishnyaLotis or you can use #VLposes
You'll get a *.pose and a *.cmp file
429 KB
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